Terms & Conditions

idosgames.com — the website (hereinafter referred to as “Site”) and Mobile Apps (hereinafter referred to as “Mobile App”) established by iDos Games TOO hereinafter referred to as “Company”), as well as all related services and tools (hereinafter referred to as “Platform”) and which contains information about games and cryptocurrency. iDos Games Services may be provided by iDos Games or any iDos Games Affiliate.

Site and Mobile App use is possible only under the conditions explicated in this End User License Agreement. If you don’t meet its conditions you should immediately terminate using of the Website. Using the Website means that you agree with this End User License Agreement conditions.

If you do not understand and accept these Terms in their entirety, you should not use the iDos Games Platform.


The value of Digital Assets can fluctuate significantly and there is a material risk of economic loss when buying, selling, holding or investing in Digital Assets. You should therefore consider whether trading or holding Digital Assets is suitable for you taking into account your personal circumstances, financial or otherwise.

Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved before using the iDos Games Platform and iDos Games Services.

You acknowledge that we are not your broker, intermediary, agent or advisor and we have no fiduciary relationship or obligation to you in connection with any activities you undertake when using the iDos Games Platform. We do not and are not providing any investment or consulting advice and no communication or information that we provide to you is intended to be, or should be construed as, advice of any kind.

You are responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy or related transaction is appropriate for you in light of your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance and you are responsible for any associated loss or liability. We do not recommend that any Digital Asset should be bought, earned, sold or held by you. Before making the decision to buy, sell or hold any Digital Asset, you should conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor. We are not responsible for the decisions you make to buy, earn, sell or hold Digital Assets based on the information or services provided by us, including any losses you incur arising from those decisions.


1.1. In this document and arising from or connected to it relationships of the Parties the following terms and definitions are applied:

End User License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) — is a document with all additions, alterations and binding documents noticed here, including signed on its basis agreement regulating the relationships between the Site, Mobile App administration and a natural person (User).

Website (Site) — automated information system available on the Internet at the Web address on the following domains (including subdomains): idosgames.com

Mobile Application – software designed to run on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, designed for a specific platform (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.). Many applications for mobile devices are pre-installed or downloaded from banks of online stores such as the App Store, Google Play and others, for free or for a fee.

iDos Games Platform - The Website or Mobile Application and all related services and tools developed by iDos Games.

Administration — a group of people authorized to moderate the Website, Mobile App and its relationships with Users. All exclusive proprietary rights to the Website, Mobile App including the right to its domain name and its administration, belong to iDos Games TOO.

User — a legal natural person acceded to the agreement on one’s own account or acting on behalf and account of a representing legal body.

User’s personal data — any information furnished by User during registration or usage of the Website, Mobile App, including personal data, information automatically transferred to the Administration when using the Website, Mobile App from the software installed on the User’s device, including IP address, cookie information, User’s browser information and other information about User.

Content — video, audio, gaming and other content posted by Administration or User on a Website.

Service — complex of services provided to User by means of the Website, Mobile App.


2.1. The agreement comes into effect at the moment when User undertakes its conditions in its entirety. User is considered to accept the conditions of the Agreement in its entirety across the board from the moment when starting to use a service or its functions or after registration. In case of User’s disagreement with any of the Agreement’s provisions User is not allowed to use the Website’s services. User must have full knowledge of the Rules before or at the moment of Website or Mobile App usage. The further usage after entrance to the Website or Mobile App means full total and unconditional acceptance Agreement.

2.2. Usage of the Website or Mobile App are regulated by the Agreement herein. The Agreement may be altered by the Administrated of the website without any special notification, the new version of the Agreement comes into effect from the moment of its online publishing at the address specified in this paragraph if except as otherwise provided in the new version of the Agreement. The current version of the End User License is always on the page at the address https://idosgames.com

2.3. When starting to use any service of the Website or its separate functions or when undergoing a procedure of registration, User is considered to accept the conditions of the Agreement in its entirety without any exception. In case of User’s disagreement with any of the Agreement’s provisions User is not allowed to use the Website’s services. In case of User’s disagreement with any of the alterations of the agreement made by the Website Administration in accordance with the procedure specified in the clause 2.2. of the Agreement, the User must stop using the Website’s services.

2.4. User confirms and agrees that the Administration can axe services at any moment.

2.5. User is not allowed to use the Website or Mobile App and confirm his agreement with the provisions herein if he is under the age when it is allowed to sign legal agreements.

2.6. When accepting this Agreement User agrees that the Website or Mobile App doesn’t give any guarantees or assurances. The Website or Mobile App doesn’t guarantee that: the all services will meet User’s needs; the Website or Mobile App will run without breakdowns, delays, risks mistakes; all information received by User when using the Website or Mobile App will be exact and reliable.

2.7. Accepting this Agreement User agrees with usage the services of the Website or Mobile App at his own peril and risk and on his responsibility. In case the Website’s work will cause the data loss and other errors on User’s computer or computers of User’s network, User assures that he will not hold a demand against and charge a fault upon the Administration.

2.8. The Website’s or Mobile App Owner (also Administration) is allowed to send information messages to Users. Using the services and in accordance Government act “Concerning Advertisement” User agrees to receive messages with advertising content. User is allowed to opt out of receiving messages with advertising content by using corresponding functions of the service that sent messages with advertising content.

2.9. User’s ignorance of the provisions of the Agreement herein and its amendments is not defense for failure to discharge of the Agreement by User. All actions made by User on the Website or Mobile App are considered to be actions of the person acknowledged with the provisions of the Agreement and its amendments and accepted mentioned rules.

2.10. Services and functions presented on the Website’s pages or Mobile App cannot be altered in accordance with wishes of a person or a group of persons except if otherwise provided in the Agreement herein or its amendments.

2.11. All intellectual property used and posted on the Site or Mobile Application, as well as the Site and or Mobile Application itself, are the intellectual property of their rightful owners and are protected, except for the relevant provision on intellectual property, and are also found by legal conventions. Any use of the results of intellectual activity posted on the Site or the Mobile Application (including elements of visual design, symbols, texts, graphics, illustrations, photos, videos, programs, music and other objects) without the permission of the Administration or the legal owner of the relevant results of intellectual activity is illegal and may serve as a reason for litigation and bringing violators to civil, administrative and (or) criminal liability.

2.12. Rights to the Website and Mobile app and usage of the network address (domain name) https://www.idosgames.com , Merge Neon Dice, 1v1 Battle Royale: ShootGun, 2048 cube Crypto IGT belong to the Website Owner. The last-named provides access to the Website or Mobile App to all persons concerned in accordance to the provisions herein, other documents published in corresponding Website or Mobile App sections and the current legislation.

2.13. You agree and acknowledge that: (i) we are not responsible for any User Material (whether provided by you or by third parties) which may be used on, uploaded to or made available on the iDos Games Platform; and (ii) use of any such User Material is at your own risk and that we do not provide any warranties in relation to the same.

2.14. We shall have the right at our sole and absolute discretion to remove, modify or reject any content that you submit to, post, use or display on the Platform (including any User Material) for any reason. We reserve the right to take any actions as we deem appropriate at our sole discretion, including giving a written warning to you, removing any User Material, recovering damages or other monetary compensation from you, suspending or terminating your access to the iDos Games Platform. We shall also have the right to restrict or ban you from any and all future use of the iDos Games Platform.

2.15. You agree that we may record any communications, electronic, by telephone, over video call, chat, VOIP or otherwise, that we have with you in relation to these Terms, and that any such record that we keep will constitute evidence of the communications between you and us. You agree that telephone conversations and video calls may be recorded so that we can respond to inquiries, ensure compliance with applicable laws, improve our services and provide customer support.


3.1. Entering into this Agreement User admits that the Website or Mobile App shall not be liable for disclosure of Personal information made by a third party. While processing User’s Personal information the Administration is obliged to assume organizational and technical measures for safety of User’s Personal information from illegal or accidental access, erasure, change, blocking, copying, distribution and other illegal actions by third parties. However it is possible that as a result of failures in the Website’s or Mobile App work, virus or hackers attacks, technical malfunctions or other circumstances User’s Personal information may become accessible for other people. User admits it and agrees that will not make any claims to the administration if any circumstances mentioned in this clause appear.

3.2. Entering into this Agreement User is obliged not to show confidential information of the Website or Mobile App without prior permitting letter from the administration. Confidential information of the Website or Mobile App includes: software of the Website or Mobile App, technical specifications, documentation, financial information. This rule doesn’t apply to the information posted in public on external pages of the Website or Mobile App and legally obtained by User from a third party without breach of confidentiality by a third party.

3.3. None of provisions herein allow to User a right to use the legal name, trademarks, domain names and other distinctive emblems of the Administration and/or the Website Owner. The right to use the legal name, trademarks, domain names and other distinctive emblems of the Administration and/or the Website Owner may be granted only by a written agreement with the Website Administration and/or the Website Owner.

3.4. Processing of User’s personal data is applied in accordance with privacy policy published on the Website or Mobile App at the following URL: https://www.idosgames.com ,Merge Neon Dice, 1v1 Battle Royale: ShootGun, 2048 cube Crypto IGT

3.5. Entering into this Agreement herein User gives his consent for posting his full name and full names of third parties that User mentioned upon posting of Content.


4.1. User bears responsibility for compliance of information in published by User Content with Law in force, including responsibility to third parties in cases when published Content or information used in Content violates rights and legal interests of third parties including personal non-property rights of authors, other intellectual rights of third parties and/or entrenches on their non-material rights.

4.2. User admits and agrees that the Website Administration is not obliged to examine Content of any kind that is published and/or distributed by User by means of the Website’s or Mobile App services and that the Administration is allowed (but not obliged) deny User to publish and/or distribute Content or erase any Content that is available by means of the Website’s or Mobile App services. User undertakes and agrees that he should assess a risk coming from Content using including assessment of reliability, completeness and value of this Content without direction.

4.3. The Website or Mobile App Owner and other Website Users are not obligated to provide with reports of utilization of the Content that belongs to the Website Owner in accordance with the rights foreseen on the Agreement herein.

4.4. User guarantees that he owns (and will own when using the Website or Mobile App ) all necessary licenses, rights, agreements and permits that are required to the Website or Mobile App Owner for applying User’s Content in order to provide the Website services and to apply User’s Content in any way foreseen in the Agreement herein.


5.1. When using the Website services, the User is not entitled to:

5.1.1. uploading, posting, storing, transmitting or by other means displaying, distributing or using Content and information that are illegal, harmful, detractive, injuring morality, carrying threats, discrediting, demonizing, violating privacy, demonstrating (or propagate) violence and cruelty, calling for and containing extremist materials, violating intellectual property rights, promoting hatred and/or containing racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social discrimination, insulting any person or organization, contain elements (or propagate) pornography, child erotica, are vulgar or indecent, contain obscene language, constitute advertising (or propaganda ) of sexual services (including under the guise of other services), explaining the procedure for the manufacturing, using or otherwise utilizing narcotic substances or their analogues, explosives or other weapons, contain restricted information, including, but not limited to the state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of a third party;

5.1.2. propagating criminal activities or giving advice, instructions or guidelines on commissioning criminal acts;

5.1.3. violating the rights of third parties, including minors and/or harm them in any form;

5.1.4. impersonating another person or representative of the organization and/or community without sufficient rights, including the employees of the Website Administration, the Website Owner, and also using any other forms and methods of illegal representation of other persons in the network, and also misinforming other Users or the Website Administration regarding the properties and characteristics of any subjects or objects;

5.1.5. uploading, sending, transmitting or otherwise displaying and/or distributing the Content, without the rights to such actions under the law or any contractual relationship;

5.1.6. uploading, sending, transmitting or otherwise displaying and/or distributing any materials containing viruses or other computer codes, files or programs designed to infringe, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment or programs for unauthorized access, as well as serial numbers to commercial software products and programs for their generation, logins, passwords and other means for obtaining unauthorized access to paid Internet websites, as well as posting links to the above mentioned information;

5.1.7. collecting and storing personal data of other persons without authorization;

5.1.8. disrupting the normal operation of the Website or Mobile App and the Website or Mobile App services;

5.1.9. placing links to the resources of the web, the content of which contradicts the current legislation of the Republic of Singapore;

5.1.10. facilitating actions aimed at violating the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by this Agreement

5.1.11. breaching the legislation, including the international law in any other way.


The provisions of this section apply only to those Users and Administration who have published or are going to publish Content, including games information on the Website and Mobile App.

6.1. To register and place an application for the publishing of a App and/or a App card on the Website (hereinafter – the Application), the User independently publishes or gives the Website Administration an order to place the necessary information about his App in the App Card and/or a link to the App on the Website using the available Website functionality.

6.1.1. The User has the right in the manner described in this section of the agreement to submit an Application for the placement of the Content on the Website or Mobile App.

6.2. By publishing the information in the Application, the User confirms that has the rights to publish this information. In the event that the User does not have the necessary rights to the content stated and/or published in the Application, the Administration has the right to block the User’s access to the Website or Mobile App or to its parts without warning the User.

6.3. The materials presented in the Application must comply with the Content requirements specified in this Agreement. In case any non-conformances in the published content are detected, the Administration has the right to limit access to such Content or to delete it without prior notice.

6.4. In any case, posting Content on the Site or Mobile Application is the right or opportunity of the User, but not the obligation, therefore, in the end, all decisions are made by the Administration.


7.1. The administration has the right to advertise its own activities and services, as well as goods, works and services of third parties.

7.2. The Website or Mobile App Services may contain links to other sites on the Internet (third party websites). These third parties and their materials are not checked by the Website Administration for compliance with any requirements (reliability, completeness, legality, etc.). The Website Administration and/or the Website or Mobile App Owner is not responsible for any information, materials posted on the websites of third parties to whom the User obtains access using the services, including for any opinions or statements expressed on the websites of third parties, advertising , etc., as well as for the availability of such sites or materials and the consequences of their use by the User.

7.3. Link (in any form) to any site, product, service, any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted on the Website or Mobile App is not an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services, activities) by the Website Administration, except when it is directly indicated on the resources of the Website or Mobile App.

7.4. The Administration and/or the Website or Mobile App Owner is not responsible for the advertising placed on the Website Services, within the limits established by the legislation of the RoK.

7.5. The Administration and/or the Website or Mobile App Owner is not responsible for any kinds of losses that occur as a result of the User using the Website Services or certain parts/functions of the Services;

7.6. The User uses the Website Services at their own risk. Services are provided “as is”. The Website Owner does not assume any responsibility, including for the conformity of services to the purposes of the User;

7.7. The Website or Mobile App Administration does not guarantee that: the services comply/will comply with the User’s requirements; Services will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors; the results that can be obtained using the services will be accurate and reliable and can be used for any purpose or in any quality (for example, to establish and/or confirm any facts); the quality of any product, service, information, etc., received using the services, will meet the expectations of the User. Any information and/or materials (including downloadable software, letters, any instructions and manuals for action, etc.), access to which the User receives using the Website Services, the User may use at their own risk and risk and is solely responsible for the possible consequences of using the specified information and/or materials, including for the damage it may cause to the User’s computer or to third parties, for loss of data or any other harm.


8.1. To be eligible to use the iDos Games Platform, you must:

a. be an individual, corporation, legal person, entity or other organisation with the full power, authority and capacity to (i) access and use the iDos Games Platform; and (ii) enter into and comply with your obligations under these Terms; b. if you act as an employee or agent of a legal entity, and enter into these Terms on their behalf, you must be duly authorised to act on behalf of and bind such legal entity for the purposes of entering into these Terms; c. not be located, incorporated, otherwise established in, or resident of, or have business operations in: i. a jurisdiction where it would be illegal under Applicable Law for you access or use the iDos Games Platform, or cause us or any third party to contravene any Applicable Law; or ii. a country listed in our List of Prohibited Countries. 8.2. We may amend our eligibility criteria at any time at our sole discretion. Where possible, we will give you notice in advance of the change. However, we may occasionally need to make changes without telling you in advance. This may include where:

a. we are making the change as a result of legal and/or regulatory changes;

b. the changes being made are in your interest; and/or

c. there is any other valid reason which means there is no time to give you notice.

Where we are unable to give you advance notice, we will let you know of the change as soon as possible after it is made.


9.1. Usage of the iDos Games Platform is provided at our absolute discretion. We reserve the right to refuse any usage of the iDos Games Platform without reason or restrict your access to the iDos Games Platform at any time.

9.2. You must not post, upload or publish to the iDos Games Platform any abusive, defamatory, dishonest, or obscene message or any messages intended to manipulate a market or to spread false or misleading information or messages that are otherwise in contravention of Applicable Laws, and doing so may result in termination of or restrictions on the availability of the iDos Games Platform to you.

9.3. You must not post, upload or publish to any platform or media any abusive, defamatory, dishonest, or obscene message or any messages intended to manipulate a market or to spread false or misleading information or messages that are otherwise in contravention of Applicable Laws in respect of Digital Assets created on the iDos Games Platform, and doing so may result in termination of or restrictions on the availability of the iDos Games Platform to you.


10.1. Fees for use of the iDos Games Platform can be found here.

10.2. You agree to pay all applicable fees in connection with your use of the iDos Games Platform as requested during your use on the iDos Games Platform.

10.3. You authorise us to deduct all applicable fees, commissions, interest, charges and other sums that you owe from the Wallet that you connect to the iDos Games Platform under these Terms.

10.4. Amending our fees. We may adjust our fees from time to time in accordance with Clause 19.4 of these Terms.

10.5. Calculations: Any calculations made by the iDos Games in connection with your use of the iDos Games Platform are final and binding on you in the absence of Manifest Error.


We keep your personal data to enable your continued use of the iDos Games Platform, and as may be required by law such as for tax and accounting purposes, compliance with anti-money laundering laws.


12.1. To access the iDos Games Platform you must have the necessary equipment (such as a computer or smartphone) and access to the internet. You can access the iDos Games Platform through the use of bots or otherwise as we may permit from time to time.

12.2. The use of the Platform and other access methods may be subject to such additional terms as we require from time to time and shall communicate to you.


13.1. You acknowledge and agree that where you execute any Transaction with Improper Intent and/or in the case of Manifest Error, iDos Games is authorised by you (without any payment or penalty or liability due by iDos Games and provided that such action is in compliance with Applicable Law) to cancel/void such Transaction (to the extent possible), take such actions as iDos Games may reasonably deem fit and treat such Transaction as if they had never been entered into.

13.2. We may be required under these Terms or Applicable Law to share information about your activities on the iDos Games Platform with third parties and within the iDos Games Group. You acknowledge and agree that we are entitled to disclose such information.

13.3. We do not represent or warrant that any actions by you on the iDos Games Platform will be completed successfully or within a specific time period.

13.4. You agree to permit us (but agree to not require us) to keep a record of all Transaction information as long as it is required to fulfil their intended purposes, or such other period as prescribed by Applicable Law.


14.1. You must ensure that any Instruction submitted is complete and accurate. We are not required to verify the accuracy, authenticity or validity of any Instruction and will not monitor or reject Instructions on the basis that they are, or appear to be, duplicates. However, if we are in doubt as to the accuracy, authenticity or validity of an Instruction, we may refuse to act upon or defer acting upon any Instruction, or seek further information with respect to the Instruction.

14.2. Instructions are irrevocable and therefore once an Instruction has been submitted you have no right to rescind or withdraw it without our written consent. Your Instruction is not deemed to be received by us until it has been received by our server. Our record of all Instructions will be conclusive and binding on you for all purposes.

14.3. By submitting an Instruction you are authorising us to initiate the Transaction. We are therefore authorised to credit or debit (or provide information to third parties for the purposes of the third party crediting or debiting) your Digital Assets from your Wallet in accordance with your Instruction. If you have insufficient Digital Assets in your Wallet to effect the Transaction (i.e. less than the required amount to settle the Transaction and to pay all the fees associated with the Transaction), then we have the right to refuse to effect any Transaction. iDos Games may also refuse to act on instructions to the extent permitted by these Terms. It is your responsibility to hold sufficient Digital Assets in your Wallet.

14.4. You are aware that Instructions and information transmitted on the Platform or by email are generally transmitted via the internet and may be routed via public, transnational installations which are not specifically protected. We cannot guarantee that the Instructions and information transmitted will be completely protected against unauthorised access, and you accept the associated risks.


15.1. You understand and agree that neither your relationship with us nor any services we provide to you, nor any other matter, will give rise to any duties on our part or on the part of any iDos Games Affiliate, whether legal, equitable, fiduciary in nature, save as are expressly set out in these terms. In particular, we and any iDos Games Affiliate may from time to time act in more than one capacity, and in those capacities we may receive fees or commissions from more than one user (including you). You agree that we may act in such capacities and provide any other services or carry out any business with or for you, any iDos Games Affiliate or any other user.

15.2. You understand and agree that neither we nor any iDos Games Affiliate will be required to: (i) have regard to any information known to us, or to any iDos Games Affiliate, which is or may be a material interest; (ii) disclose any such information to you; or (iii) use any such information for your benefit. You further acknowledge that from time to time we may receive general market information in the course of providing access to the iDos Games Platform to you, which we may use in the ordinary course of our business.

15.3. We have established and maintain effective organisational and administrative arrangements with a view to taking all appropriate steps to identify and manage conflicts of interest between us and our users and relevant third parties, so as to prevent conflicts of interest from adversely affecting the interests of our users. We reserve the right at all times to decline to act for you where we are not able to manage a conflict of interest in any other way.


Your activity on the iDos Games Platform may be subject to limits that iDos Games shall determine from time to time at its sole discretion.


17.1. You are responsible for taking appropriate action to protect your hardware and data from viruses and malicious software, and any inappropriate material. Except as provided by Applicable Law, you are responsible for backing up and maintaining duplicate copies of any information you store or transfer through the iDos Games Platform. We are not responsible for any claim or losses resulting from your failure to comply with this clause.

17.2. At all times, you and any Permitted Users shall maintain adequate security and control of all of the information used to access the iDos Games Platform. You are responsible for taking the necessary security measures to protect such details, including by:

a. strictly abiding by all of our mechanisms or procedures;

b. never allowing remote access or sharing your computer and/or computer screen with someone else when you are logged into the iDos Games Platform;

c. remembering that under no circumstances will we ask you to share any of your passwords or 2-factor authentication codes or similar.

17.3. You must keep the information used to access the iDos Games Platform secure against any attacks and unauthorised access.

17.4. It is important that you monitor your Activity History to ensure any unauthorised or suspicious activity on your account is identified and notified to us as soon as possible. You acknowledge that any Security Breach may result in unauthorised access to your account by third parties and the loss or theft of any Digital Assets and/or funds from your Wallet and any associated Wallets or accounts.

17.5. If you suspect a Security Breach, you must ensure that:

a. we are notified immediately and continue to be provided with accurate and up to date information throughout the duration of the Security Breach;

b. you take any other steps that we may reasonably require to reduce, manage or report any Security Breach.

17.6. We reserve the right to request, and you agree to promptly provide, any and all information and documents we deem relevant or necessary in connection with an actual or suspected Security Breach. You further acknowledge and agree that we may provide such information to any third party that we deem necessary in order to investigate or resolve any Security Breach.


18.1. Our collection and use of personal data in connection with these Terms and use of the iDos Games Platform is as provided in our Privacy Policy (as updated from time to time). You acknowledge that we may process personal data in relation to you, that you have provided to us, or we have collected from you in connection with these Terms. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Notice, which shall form part of these Terms.

18.2. You represent and warrant that:

a. you acknowledge that you have read and understood our Privacy Notice.

b. our business changes regularly and our Privacy Policy will change also. Therefore, if from time to time we provide you with a replacement version of the Privacy Policy, you will promptly read the Privacy Policy.


19.1. We can make changes to these Terms and any terms and conditions incorporated by reference at any time and your continued use of the iDos Games Platform constitutes your consent to such changes. Changes to these Terms will be published on our website and may also be notified to users by such other means as iDos Games determines at its sole discretion.

19.2. Generally, we will try to notify users prior to changes to these Terms taking effect. However, we may occasionally need to make changes that are effective immediately, in which case users will be notified as soon as possible after the changes take effect. The circumstances in which changes to these Terms may take effect immediately may include, for example and without limitation, where:

a. the change is to address legal and/or regulatory requirements;

b. the changes are made to clarify the Terms.

19.3. If you do not wish to accept the changes, please cease to use the iDos Games Platform. In absence of your ceasing to use the iDos Games Platform, your continued access to or use of the iDos Games Platform shall be deemed acceptance of the updated Terms.

19.4. We may also make changes to the fees charged from time to time, which may include introducing new fees and/or charges. If you do not wish to accept the changes, please cease to use the iDos Games Platform. In absence of such cessation, your continued access to or use of the iDos Games Platform shall be deemed acceptance of the updated Terms.


20.1. We may at any time modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any portion or feature of the iDos Games Platform. In particular, we may: (i) refuse to complete or block, cancel, or, where permitted by Applicable Law, reverse (the extent possible) any action you have undertaken; (ii) terminate, suspend, or restrict your access to any or all of the iDos Games Platform; (iii) refuse to transmit information or instructions to third parties (including but not limited to third-party Wallet operators); and/or (iv) take whatever action we consider necessary, in each case with immediate effect and for any reason including, but not limited to where:

a. you are not, or are no longer, eligible to use the iDos Games Platform;

b. we reasonably suspect that:

i. the person connecting to the iDos Games Platform with your Wallet is not you, or we suspect that you have been or will be using the iDos Games Platform for any illegal, fraudulent, or unauthorised purposes;

ii. information provided by you is wrong, untruthful, outdated, or incomplete;

c. we have reasonable concerns in relation to your creditworthiness or financial status;

d. we reasonably consider that we are required to do so by Applicable Law, or any court or authority to which we are subject in any jurisdiction;

e. we have determined or suspect:

i. that you have breached these Terms;

ii. that any activity is unauthorised, erroneous, fraudulent, or unlawful or we have determined or suspect that the iDos Games Platform or your Wallet are being used in a fraudulent, unauthorised, or unlawful manner;

iii. there is any occurrence of money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud or any other crime in connection with your usage of the iDos Games Platform;

f. the use of the iDos Games Platform is subject to any pending, ongoing or threatened litigation, investigation, or judicial, governmental or regulatory proceedings and/or we perceive a heightened risk of legal or regulatory non-compliance associated with your usage of the iDos Games Platform;

g. you owe amounts to us that are not satisfied, whether due to a chargeback or on any other basis;

h. you have taken any action that may circumvent our controls without our written consent; or

i. there is any other valid reason which means we need to do so.

We will take reasonable steps to provide you with appropriate notice.

20.2. You acknowledge and agree that:

a. the examples set out in clause 20.1 above of when we might take action to terminate, suspend, close or restrict your access to the iDos Games Platform is a non-exhaustive list; and

b. our decision to take certain actions, including, without limitations, to terminate, suspend, or restrict your access to your usage of the iDos Games Platform, may be based on confidential criteria that are essential to our risk management and security protocols. You agree that we are under no obligation to disclose the details of our risk management and security procedures to you.

20.3. Where we terminate, suspend, hold or restrict your access to the iDos Games Platform:

a. if you have Instructions or Transactions that are open, they may be closed by you, or by us, depending on the circumstances of the termination, suspension, hold, restriction or other action we take;

b. you authorise and grant us the right to deduct costs and fees directly from any assets in the Wallet that you connected to the iDos Games Platform.

20.4. If we are informed and reasonably believe that any Digital Assets in your Wallet are stolen or otherwise are not lawfully possessed by you (whether by error or otherwise), we may, but have no obligation to terminate your usage of the iDos Games Platform. We will not become involved in any dispute, or the resolution of the dispute, relating to (i) any Digital Assets you have in your Wallet or may have used with regard to the iDos Games Platform; or (ii) the Digital Assets on the iDos Games Platform that may have been created, bought or sold using such Digital Assets.


All iDos Games IP (Intellectual Property) shall remain vested in iDos Games or a iDos Games Affiliate.


22.1. You grant to us a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide and non-exclusive licence to use the User IP (Intellectual Property) to the extent it:

a. forms part of, or is necessary for the use of, any Created IP; and

b. is necessary to allow us to provide you with access to the iDos Games Platform, from time to time.

22.2. The licence granted by you under this clause includes our right to sub-licence to a third party to the extent required to enable us and any iDos Games Affiliates to provide you with the services on the iDos Games Platform, or any part of them.


23.1. By using the iDos Games Platform or carrying out any Transaction, and without prejudice to any other restriction or limitation set out in these terms, you agree that you will not:

a. breach these Terms or any agreement entered into pursuant to, or in connection with, these Terms;

b. use the iDos Games Platform in a manner that violates our Prohibited Use Policy;

c. use iDos Games Platform for commercial purposes, including transactions on behalf of other persons or entities, unless expressly agreed by us in writing;

d. use the iDos Games Platform for anything which, in iDos Games's sole opinion, is conduct designed to control or artificially affect the price of any Digital Asset (market manipulation) including, without limitation, pump and dump schemes, wash;

e. engage in fraudulent activities, or cause us to suspect that you have engaged in fraudulent activities or Transactions;

f. undertake any activities or use the iDos Games Platform in a manner that results in, or may result in, complaints, disputes, claims, reversals, chargebacks, fees, fines, penalties, or other liability to us, other users, third parties, or yourself;

g. provide false, inaccurate or misleading information in connection with your use of the iDos Games Platform, in communications with us, or otherwise connected with these Terms;

h. (i) use any deep linking, web crawlers, bots, spiders or other automatic devices, programs, scripts, algorithms or methods, or any similar or equivalent manual processes to access, obtain, copy or monitor any part of the Platform, or replicate or bypass the navigational structure or presentation of the iDos Games Platform in any way, in order to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents or information in any manner not purposely provided by the iDos Games Platform; (ii) attempt to access any part or function of the iDos Games Platform without authorisation, or connect to the iDos Games Platform or any of our servers or any other systems or networks of the iDos Games Platform provided through the iDos Games Platform by hacking, password mining or any other unlawful or prohibited means; (iii) probe, scan or test the vulnerabilities of iDos Games Platform or any network connected to the iDos Games Platform, or violate any security or authentication measures on the iDos Games Platform or any network connected to the iDos Games Platform; (iv) track or seek to track any information of any other users or visitors of the iDos Games Platform; (v) take any actions that impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of systems or networks of the iDos Games Platform, or the infrastructure of any systems or networks connected to the iDos Games Platform; (vi) use any devices, software or routine programs to interfere with the normal operation of the iDos Games Platform or any transactions on the iDos Games Platform, or any other person's use of the iDos Games Platform; or (vii) forge headers, impersonate, or otherwise manipulate identification, to disguise your identity or the origin of any messages or transmissions you send to us;

i. modify or adapt the whole or any part of the iDos Games Platform or combine or incorporate the Platform into another programme or application;

j. disassemble, decompile, reverse-engineer or otherwise attempt to derive the source code, object code underlying concepts, ideas and algorithms of the Platform or any components thereof;

k. modify, replicate, duplicate, copy, download, store, further transmit, disseminate, transfer, disassemble, broadcast, publish, remove or alter any copyright statement or label, or licence, sub-licence, sell, mirror, design, rent, lease, private label, grant security interests in such iDos Games IP or any part of the intellectual properties, or create derivative works or otherwise take advantage of any part of the iDos Games IP;

l. facilitate any viruses, Trojan horses, worms or other computer programming routines that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, or expropriate any system, data or information in connection with the iDos Games Platform;

m. (i) use an anonymizing proxy; (ii) use any device, software, or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with our Sites; and (iii) take any action that may cause us to lose any of the services from our internet service providers, or other suppliers;

n. create, or purport to create, any security over your Digital Assets that may be on the iDos Games Platform without our prior written consent;

o. violate, or attempt to violate, (i) any Applicable Law; or (ii) our or any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, moral rights or other intellectual property rights, or rights of publicity or privacy; and/or

p. access, use, or attempted to access or use, the iDos Games Platform directly or indirectly with jurisdictions iDos Games has deemed high risk, including but not limited to Cuba, Iran, North Korea, or Syria or as may be identified as being sanctioned as prescribed by United States of America, United Kingdom, European Union or United Nations, including but not limited to those on the sanctions lists maintained by the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control.


24.1. You hereby represent and warrant to us, at all times, the following:

a. all decisions made in connection with these Terms were solely and exclusively based on your own judgement and after your own independent appraisal of your financial resources, ability and willingness to take relevant risks and financial objectives;

b. you have full power, authority, and capacity to (i) access and use the iDos Games Platform; and (ii) enter into and deliver, and perform your obligations under these Terms and any agreement entered into pursuant to, or in connection with, these Terms;

c. all consents, permissions, authorisations, approvals and agreements of third parties and all authorisations, approvals, permissions, consents, registrations, declarations, filings with any Regulatory Authority, governmental department, commission, agency or other organisation having jurisdiction over you which are necessary or desirable for you to obtain in order to (i) access and use the iDos Games Platform; and (ii) enter into and deliver, and perform the Transactions contemplated under these Terms and any agreement entered into pursuant to, or in connection with, these Terms, have been unconditionally obtained in writing, disclosed to us in writing, and have not been withdrawn or amended;

d. you either (i) have valid, unconditioned and enforceable rights to use the images and Intellectual Property Rights in any images that are uploaded to the iDos Games Platform as part of the process to create Digital Assets; or (ii) have obtained all necessary consents, permissions, licenses, and authorizations required to use the images and Intellectual Property Rights in any images that are uploaded to the iDos Games Platform as part of the process to create Digital Assets, and such use in respect of the iDos Games Platform does not and will not infringe, misappropriate, or violate any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.

e. these Terms and any agreement entered into pursuant to, or in connection with, these Terms constitute valid and legally binding obligations, enforceable against you in accordance with their respective terms;

f. if you are a legal entity, you are duly incorporated, duly organised, and validly existing under the laws of your jurisdiction and have full power to conduct your business; and

g. your access and use of the iDos Games Platform, your execution and delivery of, and the performance of your obligations under these Terms and any agreement entered into pursuant to, or in connection with, these Terms, will not:

i. if you are a legal entity, partner in a partnership or trustee of a trust result in a breach of or conflict with any provision of your constitution, articles of association, partnership agreement, trust deed or equivalent constitutive documents;

ii. result in a breach of, or constitute a default under, any instrument, agreement, document or undertaking to which you are a party or by which you or any of your property is bound or subject; and

iii. result in you, or cause us or any third party to, breach any Applicable Law, decree or judgement of any court, or any award of any arbitrator or those of any governmental or Regulatory Authority in any jurisdiction.


25.1. The iDos Games Platform is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any representation or warranty, whether express or implied, to the maximum extent permitted by Applicable Law. Specifically, we disclaim any implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and/or non-infringement. We do not make any representations or warranties that access to the iDos Games Platform or any of the materials contained therein, will be continuous, uninterrupted, timely or error-free. This could result in the inability to trade on the iDos Games Platform for a period of time and may also lead to time delays.

25.2. We may, from time to time, suspend access to the iDos Games Platform, for both scheduled and emergency maintenance. We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that Transactions on the iDos Games Platform are processed in a timely manner, but we make no representations or warranties regarding the amount of time needed to complete processing, which is dependent upon many factors outside of our control.

25.3. Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on the Sites and the iDos Games Platform, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on iDos Games Platform, is accurate, complete or up to date.

25.4. Links to third-party websites (including, without limitation, content, materials, and/or information in the third-party websites) may be provided as a convenience but they are not controlled by us. You agree that we are not responsible for any aspect of the content, materials, information or services contained in any third-party websites accessible or linked from the iDos Games Platform.

25.5. You are responsible for obtaining the data network access necessary to access and use the iDos Games Platform. You are responsible for acquiring and updating compatible hardware or devices necessary to access and use the iDos Games Platform and any updates thereto. iDos Games does not guarantee that the iDos Games Platform, or any portion thereof, will function on any particular hardware or devices. The iDos Games Platform may be subject to malfunctions and delays inherent in the use of the internet and electronic communications.


26.1. You hereby undertake and agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless upon demand from and against any claims, suits, actions, demands, disputes, allegations, or investigations brought by any third-party, governmental authority, or industry body, and all claims, liabilities, damages (actual and consequential), losses (including any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation), costs, and expenses, including without limitation all interest, penalties and legal and other reasonable attorneys' fees and other professional costs and expenses ("Losses"), arising out of or in any way connected with:

a. your access to or use of the iDos Games Platform;

b. your breach or alleged breach of these Terms or your contravention of any other clause or sub-clause of these Terms;

c. your contravention of any Applicable Law; and

d. your violation of the rights (intellectual property or otherwise) of any third party.

26.2. You hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agree to release us from any and all claims and demands (and waive any rights you may have against us now or in future in relation to any Losses you may suffer or incur), arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with any dispute that you have with any other user or other third party, directly or indirectly in connection with the use of the iDos Games Platform or the subject matter of these Terms.


27.1. Neither we, nor any iDos Games Affiliate has or will have any responsibility or liability for any loss suffered by you or any third party, except to the extent that such loss arises solely and directly as a result of wilful misconduct or actual fraud.

27.2. Without prejudice to the foregoing and notwithstanding any other clause in these Terms, in no event will the liability of us or any iDos Games Affiliate in aggregate exceed the amount of fees paid by you to the iDos Games Group for the transaction that it is claimed gave rise to the loss. Such sum shall be paid by us to you in full and final settlement and satisfaction of our and any iDos Games Affiliate's entire liability for any and all losses and claims, howsoever arising, from the relevant events.

27.3. You acknowledge and agree that neither we nor any iDos Games Affiliate is aware of any special circumstances pertaining to you, and that damages are an adequate remedy and that you shall not be entitled to any other claims or remedies at law or in equity, including but not limited to, any claim in rem, injunction, and/or specific performance.

27.4. Notwithstanding any other clause in these Terms, you hereby acknowledge and agree that in no event will we or any iDos Games Affiliate be responsible or liable to you or any other person or entity for:

a. any direct or indirect losses (including loss of profits, business or opportunities), damages, or costs, whether arising out of or in connection with the iDos Games Platform or otherwise, including but not limited to:

i. the operation of the protocols underlying any Digital Asset, their functionality, security, or availability;

ii. any action or inaction in accordance with these Terms;

iii. any inaccuracy, defect or omission of Digital Assets price data, any error or delay in the transmission of such data, and interruption in any such data;

iv. regular or unscheduled maintenance we carry out including any service interruption and change resulting from such maintenance;

v. the theft of a device enabled to access and use the iDos Games Platform;

vi. other users' actions, omissions or breaches of these Terms, and any damage caused by actions of any other third parties;

vii. (1) for any damage or interruptions caused by any computer viruses, spyware, or other malware that may affect your computer or other equipment, or any phishing, spoofing, or other attack; (2) in the event that your hardware fails, is damaged or destroyed or any records or data stored on your hardware are corrupted or lost for any reason; or (3) for your use of the internet to connect to the iDos Games Platform or any technical problems, system failures, malfunctions, communication line failures, high internet traffic or demand, related issues, security breaches or any similar technical problems or defects experienced;

viii. any termination, suspension, hold or restriction of access to the iDos Games Platform;

ix. the failure of a Transaction or the length of time needed to complete any Transaction;

x. our refusal or delay in acting upon any Instruction;

xi. any breach of security of either your Wallet, email, personal social media or personal hardware or the iDos Games Platform;

xii. losses suffered by you as a result of third party action, including third party fraud or scams that involve the iDos Games Platform only as the recipient of your Digital Assets and/or purchase or sale of Digital Assets;

xiii. losses suffered by you as a result of the conversion of Digital Assets away from our platform;

xiv. any losses arising or in connection with new offerings of Digital Assets, initial coin offerings (ICOs);

xv. the correctness, quality, accuracy, security, completeness, reliability, performance, timeliness, pricing or continued availability of the iDos Games Platform or for delays or omissions of the iDos Games Platform, or for the failure of any connection or communication service to provide or maintain your access to the iDos Games Platform, or for any interruption in or disruption of your access or any erroneous communications between us, regardless of cause; and

xvi. any Transactions, Instructions, or operations effected by you or purported to be effected by you on the iDos Games Platform;

b. any loss of business, profits, anticipated savings or opportunities, or any special, punitive, aggravated, incidental, indirect or consequential losses or damages, whether arising out of or in connection with the iDos Games Platform, these Terms and/or any agreement entered into pursuant to, or in connection with, these Terms or otherwise;

c. any losses or damages you may incur due to Manifest Error and/or in the event of extreme market volatility and/or as a result of any cancellation/amendment of any Transactions, howsoever arising, whether direct or indirect, special or consequential, including, but not limited to, loss of profit and loss of opportunity even if any member of the iDos Games Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising or if such loss or damage was reasonably foreseeable; and/or

d. any losses forming part of a Claim that has not been commenced by way of formal legal action within one calendar year of the commencement of the matter giving rise to the Claim. To the extent that this sub-clause is prohibited by law, the minimum period applicable under the applicable law shall apply instead.

27.5. We are not liable for any damage or interruptions caused by any computer viruses, spyware, scareware, Trojan horses, worms, or other malware that may affect your computer or other equipment, or any phishing, spoofing, or other attack. We advise the regular use of a reputable and readily available virus screening and prevention software. You should also be aware that SMS and email services are vulnerable to spoofing and phishing attacks and should use care in reviewing messages purporting to originate from us. You and, where relevant, your Permitted Users are responsible for all access credentials and must keep such details safe at all times.


You and iDos Games agree that any Claims shall be brought against iDos Games in an arbitration on an individual basis only and not as a plaintiff or class member in a purported class or representative action. You further agree to waive any right for such Claims to be brought, heard, or arbitrated as a class, collective, representative, or private attorney general action, to the extent permissible by applicable law. Combining or consolidating individual arbitrations into a single arbitration is not permitted without the consent of iDos Games.


29.1. This Agreement is an agreement between the User and the Website Owner regarding the use of services and supersedes all previous agreements between the User and the Website or Mobile App Owner.

29.2. This Agreement is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All possible disputes arising from the relations governed by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to the norms of Kazakhstan law. Throughout the text of this Agreement, unless expressly stated otherwise, the term “legislation” is understood to mean both the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the legislation of the User’s place of residence.

29.3. Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as the establishment between the User and the Website Owner of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activities, personal leases, or any other relations not expressly provided for in the Agreement.

29.4. If, for one reason or another, one or more provisions of this Agreement are found to be invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.

29.5. Inaction on the part of the Website or Mobile App Owner in the event of violation by the User or other users of the provisions of the Agreements does not deprive the Website or Mobile App Owner of the right to take appropriate actions in defense of his interests later, nor does it mean the Website or Mobile App Owner’s denial of his rights in the event of subsequent similar or similar violations.

29.6. This Agreement is made in English.

29.7. The Website or Mobile App and its services, including all scripts, applications and site design are delivered “as is”. The Website Owner disclaims all warranties that the Website or its Services may not be suitable for specific use. The Website or Mobile App Owner can not guarantee and does not promise any specific results of the website and/or Services;

29.8. To avoid misunderstandings, the user should take precautions in downloading from the Website or Mobile App or by placing links on it, and using any files, including software. The site owner strongly recommends using only licensed software, including anti-virus software;

29.9. By using the Website or Mobile App, the User agrees that they download from the Website or Mobile App or with its help any materials at their own risk and is personally responsible for the possible consequences of using the specified materials, including for damage that this may cause to the User’s computer or third parties, for loss of data and any other harm;

29.10. Under no circumstances shall the Website or Mobile App Owner or its representatives be liable to the User or to any third parties for any indirect, incidental, unintentional damage, including lost profit or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation caused by the use of the Website or Mobile App, the contents of the Website or Mobile App or other Materials that you or others have accessed through the site, even if the Administration warned or pointed out the possibility of such harm.

29.11. The rules for using individual services published on this page are also considered part of this user agreement.

29.12. In the case of third party claims to the Website or Mobile App Owner and/or damage to the Website or Mobile App Owner caused by the User’s violation of the rights of third parties when placing Content on the Site, the User agrees to assist in the settlement of claims and refund to the Website Owner on the basis of a written request within 7 (seven) days, from the moment of receipt of such demand, all documented damage caused by violation of the rights of third parties by the User while posting Content on the Site.



  • iDos Games TOO

  • BIN 140940029216

  • DUNS number 520344118

  • help@idos.games

  • Kazakhstan, Almaty, Tole bi street, 286/4