Download Unity SDK #
You can download an already customized Unity project from the Github link.
Or you can install iDos Games Engine Unity SDK by downloading the Unitypackage file from the link.
Deploy iDos Games Engine #
In order for our solution to work, we need to deploy the server infrastructure, (no knowledge is needed, you just need to make a couple of clicks) we will do it on the Azure portal by clicking on this link and deploy iDos Games Engine
After the deployment, you need to go to the resource group of your project
It will house the resources, and we need to go to app-[titleID]
You need to copy the URL to the server
And go to “Environment variables,” which is under “Settings.”
Next we need to copy the values for “_DEVELOPER_SECRET_KEY”, “_TITLE_ID” for further customization on the Unity side.
Configuring a project in Unity #
After importing SDK into Unity, you need to go to the menu “Tools” – “iDos Games SDK” – “1. Server Settings”.
You need to paste the values into the appropriate fields:
Server Connection String – AzureWebJobsStorage,
Developer Secret Key – _DEVELOPER_SECRET_KEY,
Title ID – _TITLE_ID,
and then click the “Get Configure Server” button.
Once the server has been successfully configured, links should appear.
Go to File – “Build Settings” and add Login and Main scenes if you haven’t already.
Everything is now customized and ready to build for any platforms like Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, WebGL, Consoles and more.
Create a WebGL build and upload to the server #
Now let’s make a WebGL build (Web version of the game), it will be available at the link and can be opened from any Browser, WebView or HTML5 enabled application such as Telegram Mini-Apps.
Go to the menu “Edit” – “Project Settings” and go to the section “Resolution and Presentation”, you need to select WebGL Template – “iDos Games”
Further in “Other Settings” check and make the settings as on the screenshot. Note the “Allow ‘unsafe’ Code”, “Strip Engine Code”, “Managed Stripping level”.
In “Publishing Settings” be sure to check the “Decompression Fallback” box! We recommend using “Compression Format” – Brotli.
After the “Project Settings” settings we can start creating the build.
Go to the menu “File” – “Build Settings” and click the “Build” button, then select the folder where you want to make the build. After creating the build, copy the full path to the build.
Then go to the menu “Tools” – “iDos Games SDK” – “1. Server Settings” and paste the link to the build in the field “WebGL build path” and click the button “Upload WebGL“
Congratulations! You have successfully released the game to the Internet!