Here you will find Methods, Classes, etc. for working with iDos Games SDK code.
Method or Class – Green
Event – Yellow
Field (variable) – Orange
Important – Red
All actions and storage of authorization data are controlled by this class.
- Obtaining all necessary authorization data
string playerID = AuthService.UserID;
string email = AuthService.SavedEmail;
UserID (string) – user identifier.
LastAuthType (enum) – The last way the user logged in.
IsLoggedIn (bool) – whether the user is logged in not in guest mode.
AuthContext (class) – authorization context contains all information about authorization, user ID, project ID, session ID, etc. It is mainly used to authorize a user on the server.
SavedEmail and SavedPassword (string) – if the user is logged in via email. mail, then these fields contain information about the email. mail and password.
- Subscribe to an event
*You should subscribe to events in “OnEnable” and unsubscribe in “OnDisable” methods.
AuthService.LoggedIn += OnLoggedIn;
AuthService.RequestSent += OnSentRequest;
LoggedIn – The user is logged in by any available method.
RequestSent – a request for authorization has been sent using any available method.
- Methods
In almost all methods, you can additionally specify the “OnSuccess, OnError, OnNetworkError” methods as arguments.
AuthService.Instance.LoginWithDeviceID(OnSuccess, OnError, OnNetworkError);
private void OnSuccess(LoginResult result)
// Some logic
private void OnError(string error)
// Some logic
private void OnNetworkError()
// Some logic
LoginWithDeviceID – log in using the device ID.
LogOut – Log out if you are not logged in as a guest (email, etc.). The user is then automatically logged into the system in guest mode.
LoginWithEmailAddress – login with email and password.
AddUsernamePassword – add an email to an existing user.
SendAccountRecoveryEmail – send an email to password reset address.
DeleteTitlePlayerAccount – delete the player’s account, after deletion the user is automatically logged into the system in guest mode.
- AutoLogin
To automatically login, drop the “AutoLogin” prefab on the first scene (iDosGamesSDK -> Prefabs -> Authorization)